Does Your Business have a Podcast yet?

December 22, 2024

If you’re a business owner looking for new ways to stand out in today’s crowded & competitive world, this post might be exactly what you need. Becoming unique and differentiating yourself from the competition can be exhausting – but what if there was a way for you to be heard, captivate your audience, and leave your competitors behind?

So, without further ado: Does Your Business Have a Podcast Yet?

microphone used for recording a business podcast

Why Podcasts?

Research shows that people enjoy listening to podcasts while scrubbing dishes, driving during traffic hours, or walking their dogs, making them the ultimate multitasking activity. Podcasts liven up dull moments in life by providing entertainment that doesn’t require the listener’s full attention, unlike videos, which demand they stop what they’re doing.

If done correctly, podcasts can have a high Return on Investment (ROI). They’re affordable, easy to produce, and simple to consume. With a great idea and a small budget, you can create content that will resonate with your listeners and help you increase your engagement by building meaningful connections with them.

This is your chance to elevate your company and get your personal microphone. Position yourself as an expert in your field so your audience will consider you trustworthy.
  • Start by sharing your company’s triumph stories or even obstacles you were able to overcome.
  • Find the right subject for the podcast and deliver it interestingly and authentically, for example, an employee sharing their perspective on a recent project they worked on.

  • Since the world is already moving fast towards mobile-first content, and podcasts are tailor-made for this shift, leveraging this platform gives you a clear advantage.

    The chances for a podcast to succeed depend on many variables, here are some Do’s and Don’ts

    Add valuable content

    People often look for new podcasts to listen to for educational purposes or to find new content that will inspire them. Consider new ideas that will keep your audience coming back for.

    Collaborate with others

    Why not team up? Find Partners with other brands or experts who complement your niche. Help each other create fresh and relevant content.

    Be Original

    People can spot copycats, so make sure you bring something new to the table instead of blindly following trends. Your listeners will appreciate your creativity by commenting or simply continuing to listen to your podcast.

    Highlight your team

    What is the personality of your brand? Who are the people that assemble the company’s structure?

    Integrate your content

    If you have already spent time and effort creating a YouTube video, you can definitely use the idea for the script you wrote for a podcast episode. This could save you time and be valuable. Use the other digital assets you own to promote your new content.

    Edit your recordings for quality

    Let’s face it: No one likes listening to White noise, lots of “ahh,” or coughs. People will immediately lose interest in your content and find another well-edited podcast to listen to. These minor yet valuable edits will let you focus your listeners on the message.

    Storytelling has always been a strong marketing technique, but with technological advantages, there are new ways to use it. Podcasts give brands a unique way to tell stories and share the creator’s standout values. If your business doesn’t have a podcast yet, ensure you hop on the train before everyone else.

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    Stonehenge Team

    Article written by our Stonehenge Digital content team in collaboration