Controlled PR

Controlled PR

We control the content of an article to present and progress our clients’ narrative. This uniquely gives our clients full control over the focus of an article and ensures it is totally on message.

The reason we call this service Controlled PR or CPR is because it breathes new life into a point of view that is otherwise dismissed by the media. Thanks to our deep relationships with top journalists and contributors worldwide, we have the ability to give you control over the content of the articles so that no important details are either missed out or included when they shouldn’t be.

In addition, we integrate SEO to gain the greatest Google value for each article. Our dedicated social media assets and media buyers ensure the articles reach large audiences by pushing them on Google, social media and other relevant online forums. In this way, we combine multiple communications disciplines into one extremely effective style of PR.


“If I was down to my last dollar, I would spend it on public relations.”

Who: Bill Gates

“Next thing after doing the right thing is to let people know you are doing the right thing.”

Who: John D. Rockefeller

“The difference between the right word and almost the right word is the difference between lightning and the lighting bug.”

Who: Mark Twain


We approach and work with journalists that are sympathetic to our clients’ narrative. This allows us to publish articles with strong messaging to counter the existing narrative. By multiplying this across numerous social media platforms, the result is an overwhelming barrage of articles with the desired narrative.

On Google

By using search engine optimization (SEO) techniques inside the article, we gain top results on Google maximizing the article’s exposure and reach.

How Does
CPR Work?

The Ingredients

  • Controlled PR
  • SEO
  • Strategic Social Media Assets
  • Media Advertising

The Article Is

  • Exactly on message
  • Optimized for Google
  • Gains reach and engagement

Where We’ve
Been Published

Entrepreneur Huff Post The Daily Telegraph Le Figaro Forbes

/ and more

Fox News Business Insider Inc. The Hill